In order to succeed with any business you must always have the mentality of an entrepreneur. It's important to learn to spend time focusing on the right things. And to grow as a person we must always try implement new ideas and must work on keeping a positive focus in your business.
Who Are You Surrounded By?
The most common reason most don't succeed in business is because, it's a lot to do with the people you are surrounded by. Plenty of people get discouraged by situations surrounding them and as a result they lose focus.
There's a few things you can try to maintain a positive attitude and an open mind. In the event you can identify the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones you will feel better about yourself.
By avoiding negative thoughts you can focus on things that matter like your goals and ambitions. Most of our negative programing was thought by our parents and teachers. I am referring to the elderly ideas of having to study hard to receive a job. It is essential to replace the negative ideas with new ones.
Another tip is to write your objectives and place it somewhere where you will always see it. Individuals who write their goals are more likely to succeed. And your goals will always help guide you and help you to stay focused on your goals. It helps to imagine ourselves as a very successful person, having already become successful.
It is important to always establish clear and precise objectives. Create a list of any of the obstacles you might face in the business your building . This will help you be prepared for things that might happen on your quest to achieving your goals.
Also setting up specific time frames in which you would like to complete a certain task You must trust your decisions always, and keeping in mind your primary objectives.
Surround yourself with positive minded people, that you know that will be helping you in keeping a positive focus on your business
Actively seek out and surround yourself with positive people who might support you, and you'll begin to see extraordinary results.
Speak about your goals with individuals who will react positively. This can be useful because you will feel better speaking to individuals who share your ideas.
Try as much as feasible to keep away from speaking about some issues with individuals who usually are negative. Follow the examples of the dreamers that have gone before us like , Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs. When Thomas Edison's laboratory with 1,000's of his inventions was burning to the ground, his reply to his wife on the front porch across the street was: "Thank GOD i'm getting rid of all my mistakes"
We leave you with this powerful story of how to use positivity when you are surrounded by negativity

Thomas Edison was the inventor of the microphone, phonograph, incandescent light, storage battery, speaking movies, and over 1000 other things.
December 1914 they had worked for ten years on a storage battery. This had greatly strained his finances.
This particular evening spontaneous combustion broke out in the storage room. Within minutes the entire building was in flames.
Fire companies from eight surrounding towns arrived, but the heat was so intense & the water pressure so low that the attempt to douse the flames was futile.
At 67 years old Edison's assets were going up in a whoosh (over two million dollars) the buildings were only insured for $238,000 because they were made of concrete & thought to be fireproof.
The inventors 24-year elderly son, Charles, searched frantically for his father. He finally found him. There stood Thomas Edison with the flames shadows bouncing off his aged face, and his white hair tossing boundlessly in the wind. He was pondering calmly this exciting event, while trying to find a comfortable chair to watch this historical event.
My heart ached for him, Dad at 67 no longer a young man and everything was going up in flames. When Dad saw me, he shouted, Charles, where is your Mom?
When I told him I didn't know, laughing he hollered, go get her, we don't want her to miss this, because as long as she lives she will never see something again like this! And tell her to grab the popcorn
The next morning, Edison looked at the ruins and said; "In all disasters there arises great value, and thank GOD all our mistakes have all been burned up"
Three weeks after the fire, Edison and his loyal team delivered the first phonograph.
Business success truly is possible if you understand that
"Keeping a Positive Focus In Your Business"
Is vital to your success.
"Keeping a Positive Focus In Your Business"
Is vital to your success.
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